Speak It Anyway

Gary Edward Geraci

Get this, Saint Stephen,

Who spoke with great wisdom,


Fully inspired by the Holy Spirit,

Was stoned dead by his hearers


Who reviled and despised

This man with his New Gospel.


So why be disappointed

You learned and wise, when the world


Fails to come to you with

Applause and a great prize?


To be ignored is your great prize,

To be ignored is my great prize.


Gary Edward

  • Author: Gary Edward Geraci (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 26th, 2022 17:03
  • Comment from author about the poem: We celebrate St. Stephen today in the Catholic Church. A didactic (teaching) poem. Today, stones, or the equivalency of hurled stones, might be equated to the injurious effect of being canceled, being the object of a shadow ban or some other censorship effort or algorithm. Given the recent, 2022 Elon Musk, Twitter revelations, we can no longer deny that it happens. The Bible teaches us that Saint Stephen was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Inspired by the Holy Spirit! In other words, he was teaching from the source of all wisdom! What greater place to speak from can there be? Yet despite the omniscient assistance of the Holy Spirit, informing every thought, and word that Stephen spoke to the crowd - the crowd was not receptive. In fact, the crowd became angry and gnashed their teeth. The crowd became violent, Stephen’s words, as truthful as they were good, did not quell the crowd. The crowd became murderous. The crowd killed Stephen. How is it that we think we can do any better today with a hostile or unreceptive crowd? Surely we can read up and buy more books and watch more videos and listen to more podcasts, all in all, greatly increasing our knowledge. Still, we would be far from speaking with the Holy Spirit, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, unless we too happened to have the heavenly grace informing us as did Saint Stephen. But even then, as witnessed from the testimony of Saint Stephen’s death, it may not be good enough! Don’t get discouraged, friends, speak it anyway!
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 7
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  • orchidee

    Good write Gary.

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