I sit here hours before midnight already hearing blast and bombs throughout the night 🌉 should your acquaintance be forgotten 2022 couldn't have been more rotten just when we thought we were out of the water people around the world 🌍 are getting slaughtered waiting in line for paper and some gas without that paper how are you going to wipe your ass we give a toast and say goodbye as we're toasting we start to cry The tears you shed you're not quite sure why then you remembered whom have died queen Elizabeth amungst several who passed thousands gathered for her mass The famous slap Heard around the world because of the smack that Chris rocks mouth had told the Russians invasion of neighbor Ukraine shattered lives and left families in pain Tom cruise is back as Maverick in top gun he's still showing regardless of age you can still have fun winter Olympics were held in Beijing because of COVID live attendance wasn't a thing Queen Elizabeth celebrates 70 years at throne later this year she passes the world 🌎 is blown inflation reaches a record high we haven't any money for things to buy Trump get tons of lawsuits filed against him throw the bastard in the Sea bet he can't swim as we reach the end of two thousand and twenty two smile don't frown and don't be blue 💙 the best part of two thousand and twenty three is that hopefully we'll all be Donald j Trump FREE!!!!!!!
Johnny p Chavez
Bubblicious (Pseudonym) (
- Published: January 1st, 2023 23:33
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 1
- Users favorite of this poem: sirlocowicked AKA Bubba
Nicely summed up😁
Thanks 🙏
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