Brave and honest!!

sirlocowicked AKA Bubba

When I decided I had to stop 🛑 I had to become both brave and honest.

Deciding to quit took some balls

I bet my boss got tired of all the calls

I wasn't brave enough to be honest to tell her the truth I've had a problem since my early youth I wasn't honest to my family or friends guess I thought I was continuing a trend I wasn't brave enough to admit I had a problem got so inebriated I thought I was Robin bravery only shown while I was drunk I can tell you honestly I acted like a punk honestly I can tell you I wasn't brave at all I couldn't pick up the phone to make the call if I did dial a number, when the phone would ring I was like dumb and dumber I acted like that if I was shy I wasn't honest or brave I'd just lie you can only be honest and brave with yourself be a man put that bottle back on the shelf be brave and honest admit you are powerless to this thing we call alcoholism do not let this become an ism.


Johnny p Chavez



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