Demonic freedom


fever on bed,

then never find out,


Pureless compass of fake hope,

dumeless brain out of sleep,


it all resounds into a dramatic echoist rain-like pain,

you can even feel the dirt transmuting into mud,


chearless i will make toist to you, every darn time I can,

then i will get back home,


with my eyes full of hope,

but my heart shattered


Because you forgot how it felt


i can find the words in english,

but could not found in the meaning of further


what does it mean staging every demonic freedom?

freedom, makes it demonic or angelic

freedom is contagious, thrilling, a warning


then freedom, then move, then love, then pain

broke, like the spine of a dear right before being eaten for 10 loving families,


nature whispers into every ear, but nobody listen,

out of self-conscious, out of love, out of reality


what’s it for, Sir?

could you blame us?

I am now spineless,

hope in my hands,

my eyes full of dully-dock tears begin him the rain,

hearing, at least, the mud whispering into my ears full of grass from the fall,


Oblivion, feels like every drug

feels like every born baby,

feels like God,


sometimes, when my finger tips touch accidentally,

it becames a heart full of meaning,

meaning destroyed by “Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday; I can’t be sure”


All in life is about being less alone,

but when you feel it, it doesn’t stir out


The ocean could lead me,

I will let her,

Spiciness of her water, lead me back to where I was born,

pain and all,

remember me the beauty of life,

cause I know it’s in me,

I was born on water, I am water


Water, the sad liquorness fully of bitterness that all of us show a sympton of it,

water, it still makes us afraid,

we can die in it,

we can die out of love,

we can die for love,

never miss it,


where it makes you afraid, it’s where you see first

  • Author: Voulez (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 4th, 2023 19:24
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 6
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