

For a start what is art? Does it have to fit all the rules?

Is it the same today as yesterday? Or are standards only tools?

For me it has to touch something deep inside

And take me on an emotional ride

If it taps into my soul, I need no more

If it doesn't take this control, it's not art, just a bore

  • Author: sorenbarrett (Online Online)
  • Published: January 12th, 2023 22:49
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 19
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  • Doggerel Dave

    Nice one Soren. You have reached the right conclusion for me here either moves me or it doesn't.
    First line I'd take a smattering of an exception to as I have a bit of an allergy to too many rules. I'd prefer schools with reference to art, with many truants!!

    • sorenbarrett

      Thanks for the read Dave. Yea I agree I'm not one for a lot of regulations and rules either.

    • amepiesces

      so true of all sorts come with well written sir.

      • sorenbarrett

        Thank you for yourreview and comment

      • Bella Shepard

        I suppose art is in the eye of the beholder, but the eye must be wide open and unclouded. I say break the rules and find the passion dear poet. You write truly from the heart!

        • sorenbarrett

          Thank you again dear Bella for your insightful and kind words. Yes I say break the rules but only after you know them. Passion, yes there must be passion or there is no art. For me, art must be felt otherwise it is nothing more than a beautiful structure. But to each there own and what is art to one is not necessarily art to another.

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