Lost Gypsy Wife


Lost Gypsy Wife

My heart’s on fire

for he lost his gypsy wife

Natasha, the artist

washed away from life

too soon, too sudden

borne to the afterlife.


She would take you to the water

but her soul would never enter.

Thalassa was her darkest dread

and she told it to her mentor

but the Bacchanal had claimed him

and changed him to lamenter.


But without the fair Natasha

there is no more Wilma Dean

no Marjorie, or Maggie.

You know the ones I mean.

She gave them life within her art.

Now, she’s cut from that moving scene

and no one knows what happened

and no one will be believed.

  • Author: MendedFences27 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 2nd, 2023 20:14
  • Category: Sociopolitical
  • Views: 20
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  • L. B. Mek

    (devoid of context, these words are hard to penetrate
    yet, at an intuitive level I think I relate
    experiencing a sudden loss, is debilitating
    yet, to then imagine
    the person you've lost is a famous public figure
    with a legacy, prevalent
    in so much of society
    her life's essence
    a haunting presence
    wherever, you turn
    must make the ordeal, that much
    more heart-breaking to survive..)
    really well written, dear Poet
    thanks for sharing
    (forgive me if my take on it
    is way off the mark, I meant
    no disrespect)

  • Neville

    my mental muscle pointed me in the direction of a Canadian Jewish poet and I like the aftertaste those thoughts were kind enough to leave behind .. Enjoyed & very muchly Phil ...... Neville

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