

I'm a mere whittler of words on a tree, a tagger of graffiti

I can't paint the Sistine Chapel or carve marvelous art

I write fading signs of love, some from above

Though an amateur, they come from the heart from finish to start

Some from care, some from despair

Although my words are rough

I don't wish to offend, damage or upend

Knowing I've touched someone, will be enough

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  • Mello

    i like the flow

    • sorenbarrett

      Thank you for taking your time to review and comment on this piece

    • Doggerel Dave

      What more is there to do other than try, Soren? Neatly summarised.
      So, O Whittler of Words, on to the next one... it's all I try to do and hope.

      • sorenbarrett

        Thanks Dave, after that last poem I thought I had chased all followers away. Thanks for the kind words

      • Bella Shepard

        The whittler of words has created a piece that comes from the heart, the very root of the amateur. Beautiful in soul, as is this poem dear friend.

        • sorenbarrett

          Thank you dear Bella I so appreciate your kind comments. I am looking forward to reading another of you wonderful works.

        • L. B. Mek

          'I'm a mere whittler of words on a tree,'
          how many trees, in the world
          are adorned with name initials
          cocooned within a carved heart
          (so deep, as ever)

          • sorenbarrett

            Thank you L.B. your comments continue to inspire me as does your verse.

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