A poet, a soldier or a king


A poet, a soldier or a king

Well, I picked up a pen

When I couldn't speak

Found the truth

In a couple of rhymes

For every earthquake ever

A shelter was found

Suddenly there was a black and white

That I could like.

  • Author: anabasova (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 14th, 2023 13:17
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 29
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  • Ok Waleed

    You wrote this about me ?🤔😅

  • Myth

    I missed the point ... would you explain what about ?

    • anabasova

      It is referring to a current internet trend where people take a quiz and they are assigned either a poet, a soldier or a king.

    • Myth

      Oh .. thank u
      You receive another "LIKE'' from me 😊

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