A New Widow's Winters Night by brenniewebb


Notice of absence from brenniewebb
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A New Widow's

Winters Night

It's cold. I am alone. So much loneliness all around.

Darkness is in my heart and sight.

My feet are numb with cold this night.

I remember my beloved husband this day, Or is it night?

I am not afraid of darkness for my Creator made it.

El Shaddai made my man for me.

Where is he?

Now, he must not be here. Nothing is too clear.

In my loneliness, I feel a toenail on my leg. Oh the pain. For nine years long.

He was not gone at all. 

It was only a dream.




  • Author: Brenniewinters (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 18th, 2023 04:36
  • Comment from author about the poem: For my husband and all he has given to the World and no one knows who he is.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 12
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  • Doggerel Dave

    Nice to hear - but no one knows who he is? You know who he is ....fame is worth SFA.

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