The Hollow Pursuit


The streets are barren, with no soul in sight,

A world so dark, that it blots out the light,

Where the only thing that matters is what you own,

And the rest are cast aside, and left alone.


We trample on the dreams, of those who aspire,

As we climb higher, and the weak expire,

We laugh and jeer, at those who fall,

As if we're invincible, and above it all.


Our hearts grow cold, as our bank accounts rise,

And we forget the warmth, that our loved ones provide,

We choose to ignore, the pain that we bring,

As we revel in the treasures, that our money can bring.


The world is a wasteland, consumed by our greed,

As we watch it burn, we see no need,

To change our ways, or our insatiable thirst,

For the treasures that we amass, as our souls become cursed.


We have become monsters, devoid of all feeling,

As we seek to destroy, everything that's worth healing,

The future is bleak, and our fate is sealed,

As our obsession with wealth, leaves nothing else revealed.


Our hearts have turned black, and our eyes see no good,

As we chase after riches, forgetting brotherhood,

We trample on those, who dare to stand in our way,

As we become the masters, of a world in decay.


The rivers run dry, and the earth turns to dust,

As we gather our wealth, and our treasures we trust,

We ignore the cries, of the weak and the poor,

As we become blinded, by the lust for more.


Our cities crumble, and our homes fall to ash,

As we hold on tightly, to the things that we amass,

We forget what it means, to be human and kind,

As we leave all our loved ones, and our humanity behind.


So, heed this warning, my dear friend,

Before it's too late, before the end,

Chase after who you are, not what you own,

Or you'll be consumed, by your obsession alone.

  • Author: Archdoom (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 20th, 2023 10:48
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 22
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