Reflecting Snowflake *


A little snowflake falls;

Silently with the flow of time;

Quietly and gently with innocence,

Reflecting it's memories

As it falls in the contemporary.


A single snowflake falls;

So simple yet so complex

Like the complexity of life and nature

Or the passes of time in our world

Reflecting the memories of our past.


And as the snowflake falls

Memories flow pass us

Memories of regret and chaos;

Memories of Joy and Acceptance;

As time dances by.


The snowflake silently disappears,

With memories reflecting past it

Vanishing and lost within time;

The snowflake no longer exists

Just like the memories that are lost

In the complex flow of time


Despite this, time still continues

New snowflakes in the winter clouds form

As new memories are born

Once again it falls like many other

Reflecting our purpose and meaning

And vanishing as time flows

As it brings forth new memory and purpose

Continuing it's everlasting journey across time.

  • Author: JinilPark (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 21st, 2023 17:49
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 9
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