Survival mode


I am always in survival mode

That's why I easily get overflowed

It is normal for me to feel stressed, even in my comfort zone

Positively speaking, it has trained me to feel comfort in the unknown


My comfort zone has been surviving

Afraid to let go because success entails striving

What would my life be with less effort in achieving

A life less perfect but lived out of pureness instead of fearing


My life has shown me that I survived all the uncomfortable

Let's show everyone that I can also survive letting go and being vulnerable

Because my heart would be happier when I let go of the stress

And start to work towards days that consist of more inner rest

  • Author: Sophenia (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 15th, 2023 14:10
  • Comment from author about the poem: ~survival mode has been deactivated~
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 20
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  • Sage_Roman

    Glad to hear survival mode has been deactivated. Beautiful poem, I loved every word.

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