Dear Mama

L. B. Mek

Notice of absence from L. B. Mek
'fare ye well' kind friends



I remember an image

Ducklings, making a streamline

In perfect sync, behind

Their calm and alert, mother duck


A hen, who depicts grace above water

While swimming furiously

A hen, who plucks her own feathers

To cover her nest of eggs,


I remember an image

A mother alone, time travelling with ease

Providing, playing, loving

Doing so, while smiling like she’s having

The best time of all


Deserving Mothers of the world

We appreciate you, thank you!



© L. B. Mek

March 2023

  • Author: L. B. Mek (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 17th, 2023 03:43
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 53
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  • sorenbarrett

    Motherly love us men have a hard time understanding or appreciating. Too late in life I saw this. This unconditional love that seems almost universal amoungst all living things. A wonderful write.

    • L. B. Mek

      so true, kind Poet
      sadly, if we're one of the lucky ones
      we take it for granted, assuming
      all mothers are superheroes
      still, it's never too late to realise
      and appreciate..

    • arqios

      Mother's day will be soon upon us again!

      • L. B. Mek

        indeed, Gaia's whisper to Spring's arrival
        hope it was a good day for you and yours, dear Poet

      • mvvenkataraman

        Remarkable poem in my view,
        Great encomiums are due,
        For your talent, I admire you,
        A mother is there to rescue!

        • L. B. Mek

          so glad you enjoyed the read, dear poet
          encomiums are due to all deserving mothers
          year on year
          may we always remember and appreciate

        • thinkerbell

          Motherly love is so tender and so beautiful altogether 🥰

          • L. B. Mek

            so true, it's a very unique love
            tender and fierce, a beautiful gift
            to receive
            (so glad you could relate, dear poet)

          • Neville

            please note the date of this entry .. 28.03.2023 .. please also note, this is not a late wind up .. but rather an unavoidable delayed written response to an abjectly necessary poem and on a matter/issue and subject with which I not only naturally concur, appreciate and enjoyed .. but one that also near drew a tear from both my eyes upon my thinking back on my own mother ..
            and therefore, I would much prefer my words here be seen as an early scribble on the matter for 2024 ......... Neville

            • L. B. Mek

              a mother's true legacy is that beautiful soul
              she's nurtured within her child so devotedly
              revealed as exemplary empathy
              anytime her memory is invoked
              and the worth of her deeds
              elevated, by the poignancy
              of her timeless, love
              and celebrated, boldly!

              • Neville

                ideed sir Mek

              • NafisaSB

                it's so true that mothers give their all, but their love and sacrifice is rarely recognized until it is no longer there..lovely poem, thanks for sharing

                • L. B. Mek

                  i'm glad you could relate, sadly
                  so few can these days
                  thank you for the supportive words, dear poet

                  • NafisaSB

                    yes, mothers are overworked and underrated..
                    let's recognize and appreciate them, not just on Mother's day, but on a daily basis

                    • L. B. Mek

                      so true

                    • 𓆩Mase𓆪

                      Absolutely Beautiful, another one of your beautiful poems LB. Thank you🙏🙏

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