

There is a bully who is always around
Even when there's no sight or sound
When I close my eyes, he tells me lies
He never says goodbye
Throughout the day
He's always like "hey"
Let me tell you how you are going to fail
Or even the reason why you should go to hell
He plots, and he schemes
Im having a good day, so he screams
Your horrible, your awful
Your abominable
The worlds ending
You're so condescending
You're going to die alone
Like a consistent ringing, he is on the phone
You have a smile on your face
Let me remind you that you're a disgrace
Let me tell you the worst
Hell, you might even be cursed
The truth is he never tells truths
There is no need for detectives or even a slueth
Trust in yourself. You got to believe
Your real friend is you dont deceive
Happiness is possible you can succeed
You're not going to fail if you try
You take a step foreword, and you defy
Don't give him power
Go smell the flowers
It's okay to laugh
Let me be the good voice on your behalf
I want you to read this and give you hope
To be able to live, just not cope
Sometimes, the friend is inside
Is wrong you won't die
They are not a friend indeed
Im your true friend, garenteed
A bully who knows all your fears
Is around for years
And never goes away
Be kind to you
You will see this through
and remember this every day

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