
Introverted Sage

Create the World
Whispers the Girl
Lodged in the Rock before Time.

Go back to the Curl
The Beginner of Worlds
A Journey 
Into the Mind.

Fate knows Who
Unmistakably True
The One
Is in tune with the chimes.

Carry your Sword
Mission of Words
The ring rides the rhyme.

No need to steal
It's real what you feel
Let's hear it
Come stand in line.

Covered in dirt
Show where it hurts
A Serpent that knows how to climb.

Now you are free
You're the World
You're the sea
Into the deep sublime.
Meeting the Girl
Beginner of Worlds
Holding the Rock of your Time.

Do your ting
Let your Heart Sing
What's been on your Mind. 

A song that rings True
The Words within You
The One
Still tuning the chimes. 

The Hearts will know
What's familiar
Will grow
Carry the tune of the Rhyme.

Worth more than Gold
And the Souls that they sold
Flock to the line. 

Fountain of Youth
Moment of Truth
How deep in the Cave
Will you climb.

Willing to learn
Evil to burn
By Pure Sublime. 


  • Author: Introverted Sage (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 2nd, 2023 00:43
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 5
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  • Iva Hotko

    I love the rhythm in this poem, it makes the words flow like a song, and I love the message and all the layers of its meaning. Great writing 🙂

  • Caring dove

    I liked reading your poem 🙂

    A lovely , interesting and engaging writing

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