a watchful eye on the tides

Kay C

The moon spoke to me 

last night.


She called me, unannounced, and told me

to keep a watchful eye

on the tides.


”I send them special - just for you.” she said.


“When the tide is low, you feel

the hidden sands.

Course, jagged, unpolished.


You feel the instability 

beneath its surface,

insecurity hidden in the pieces below.


I send them special - just for you.” she said.


“I know you’ve heard me before.

You know the tide returns

you just dont know



You smell the salt,

you feel the chill,

the goosebumps

on your skin


I send them special - just for you.” she said.


And then, unannounced,

she hung up.


I have no way to call her back,

no return line for clarification, but

i know shes there

speaking to me 

through the tides.


From now on, I put my faith in the moon.


  • Author: kay c (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 13th, 2023 20:54
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 8
  • Users favorite of this poem: Abby1234
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Comments +


  • L. B. Mek

    beautiful flow
    and I really liked your print out
    it added something I think, a glimpse
    to those nuances in your poetic voice
    thanks for sharing, dear poet
    'the hidden sands.
    Course, jagged, unpolished.

    You feel the instability
    beneath its surface,
    insecurity hidden in the pieces below.'

    'You know the tide returns
    you just dont know

    You smell the salt,
    you feel the chill,
    the goosebumps
    on your skin

    I send them special - just for you.” she said.'

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