I know it ain't right for me,
to play with the hearts of people who truly love.
I just don't know who I am loving anymore.
Whether it's the guy who ignores me all day,
or the guy who couldn't see me in pain?
Whether it's the guy who doesn't start the conversation,
or the guy who makes plans for the weekend?
Whether it's the guy who flirts with all,
or the guy who makes time based on my schedule?
Whether it's the guy who doesn't care about my presence.
or the guy who just can't stop seeing me?
Whether it's the guy who plays with my heart,
or the guy who wants to scream to the entire world,
about his love for me?
Whether it's the guy who points out my insecurities,
or the one who embraces mine?
Whether it's the guy who cares only for himself,
or the one who couldn't stop asking about me?
Whether it's the guy who thinks for himself,
or the guy who smiles seeing me smile?
Whether it's the guy who doesn't understand me,
or the guy who learns me?
Whether it's the guy who just says "I like you",
or the guy who gifts me letters,
filled with his own written poems of love?
Whether it's the guy who doesn't remember anything about me,
or the guy who remembers all and surprises me?
There are always choices in life,
we tend to get intimidated by the first,
but let's understand it's time for the second...
the one true choice of love...
Dashi (Pseudonym) (
- Published: May 11th, 2023 13:03
- Category: Love
- Views: 3
all, the same person
this, that Jekyll and Hyde
of concussive, whiplash
personality switches
in those, we anchor our hopes upon
our love
their assumptive, platform
to twist our guts between
heaven n hell
by push n pull games or
hunt wrenching confessions
all in a minute...
living through all five season
in every hour we're together..
why do we do it to ourselves?
because we choose, to love
and believe, in finding that one
who will make our sacrifices
NIce words..
but what if you don't know who to love anymore?
like everyone are the same at the end.
They just leave you.. loving hurts
so true
yet, even that is a lesson to treasure
like a scar we caress absentmindedly
in our troubled time's;
for example, I'm a fool of a guy
whose been lucky to call many
a 'best friend', and yet
none are still by my side today
so I've learned to express my gratitude
for those currently in my life
at every opportunity, assuming
a tomorrow will come
when I won't be able to..
so yes 'loving hurts'
but its glow, lightens our load, and
those remnant tethers to warmth
we're gifted, help
carry us through those bitter winters
of life
so its worth, bracing ourselves
for one more plunge, once
we've recovered, enough
from our last, 'slap in the face'
of brutal, ill-fate..
stay strong! dear poet
Thanks.. much needed comforting words at the moment...
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