The Most Valuable Treasure


It’s a famine of the soul

a fight for your existence

but only you know about it

and how truly thirsty you are.


Searching in the darkness, the swamps, the okefenokee

for some sort of cryptic freestyle meaning

lightning bolt, or eureka moment

but there are none.

or maybe just

none for you.



in misery

for an epiphany

that never comes.

rocking back and forth

getting lonely


you fill your saddle bag with water

because you’re on a trek

to the desert,

the high country

mountain cliffs where winds blow swift

and bones crack loudly


hairs prickle

on your arm

as a mountain lion roars


and at long last

light breaks through the clouds

to christen you a new found king

master of your own destiny



maybe you can have it.

just over the hill

down there.

  • Author: Justin Edse (Pseudonym) (Online Online)
  • Published: May 20th, 2023 08:37
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 3
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Comments +


  • Parisab

    I can sense the attention to detail and connecting it to the mystery of the past, coming from an “old soul” poet. Good poem.

    • J.Edse

      Thank you so much Parisab! I appreciate the feedback! Writing this poem felt very natural almost like I was being guided by something.

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