Men only cry when it rains


Men only cry when it rains,

water pouring from the sky

is only a disguise,

not enough to put out

the hellfires inside.


Men only cry when it rains,

for it is not easy

to be the shoulder to rest on

for those beloved.


Men only cry when it rains,

it takes courage to cry

but holding the pain inside,

silently, patiently,

is only for the strong.


Men only cry when it rains

for his hand was made to

build, repair and support,

not to wipe own tears.


Men only cry when it rains

in the heart and not out the eyes.

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  • sorenbarrett

    This is an old style view of men, but I loved the repetition of the line in each stanza giving it building power. Now days with changing culture it would be said Men only cry when it pains. Very nice poem.

    • rhmn_7

      In my experience the view of men changed mostly in theory, that men should show more emotions. In practice however the old view is still preferred. But thank you for sharing your perspective!

    • Soman Ragavan

      My comments on the poem "Men only cry when it rains”
      It is widely considered unmanly to cry. So, men have to hide to cry. They cry in the silence of their solitary rooms, unseen by others, unknown to others.
      From my poem “Papa !” :
      “Slowly against the fence I sank. I slid.
      With my hands my tears I hid.
      A man, a martyr had to hide to cry.
      Not any solace around could I espy.
      “So be it. ‘Tis unmanly to weep.
      But, the cut went so deep, so deep…
      Those tears how to hold back :
      How to face yon blist’ring attack…

      My tears flew down. Unseen. Hidden.
      All around, voices of carefree children.
      In my heart, the cruel couple stirr’d a sword.
      To describe the torture, I can’t find a word…
      We cry when it rains : we then have an excuse : we can then say it’s the rain…
      Society will forgive us…
      (My poem “Papa !” will appear later on this site. They only accept a poem a day here. I have to wait 150 days to post 150 poems. Meanwhile see my site :
      Soman Ragavan. 29 May, 2023. //

      • rhmn_7

        Thank you for your comment and sharing your work.

      • Bella Shepard

        This is so poignant dear poet. You must wonder over the ages how many men have suffered in silence, unable to release emotion through the natural process of tears. Only women were afforded the privelege of crying, which made them appear weak, but I think perhaps it made them stronger. Maybe if men had been able to cry out their pain, our world would be a different place. I just love this poem dear friend and it is a fav.

        • rhmn_7

          You are right dear poet, the world could have been a different place, but I guess we'll never know...

        • Teddy.15

          absolutely beautiful and written from your heart.

          • rhmn_7

            Thank you for your kind words!

          • janiselizabeth

            It cannot be understated enough how hard it is for men to be emotionally vulnerable. There is a terrible double standard in society that is plaguing men right now. You are expected first to be emotional and open with your feelings. When you are, you are disrespected by peers and partners for being weak. You are trampled on and considered feminine. Then, if you hold everything back you are considered to be emotionally unavailable and are criticized for being too masculine. Society has not actually in practice done anything to help men be comfortable and secure with feeling all the same emotions that women do.

            • rhmn_7

              It isn't always easy to understand the other perspective, but you do it brilliantly! Thank you for the comment..

            • Carly

              This is so prevalent to how men can hurt just as much and suffer internally but they feel as though they have to hide it to maintain their strong demeanour, beautifully penned 💕

              • rhmn_7

                You have summarized to the point, thank you Carly!

              • Eileen Clark

                A beautiful poem, I'm so glad I came over to meet you and your awesome work, best regards.

                • rhmn_7

                  The pleasure is all mine dear Eileen..

                • Neville

                  I love the association you make between rain and a mans tears ..

                  actually I very much like the message that runs throughout ..

                  .. Neville

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