A Wounded Dog ...

Kurt Philip Behm

From the sound of the bugle

in the rush of the wind

The bodies are counted

as grieving begins


In the morrow replaying

as blood spills again

The enemy forward

whose countenance grim


The courage of many

all acting as one

Their wills long suborted

with fear on the run


Till the bugle goes silent

the bugler face down

Last day ill remembered

—a wounded dog howls  


(The New Room: June, 2023)

  • Author: Kurt Philip Behm (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 8th, 2023 09:26
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 3
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  • jarcher54

    When you bring us a "longer" poem like this, the density of your language and your use of words and phrases as building bocks and strategic pieces on the chessboard remind me more and more of the poetry of Melville, for which he is not well known but should be. This poem of yours brought to mind this: https://mypoeticside.com/show-classic-poem-19013

  • Kurt Philip Behm

    Thanks. Gwendolyn Brooks once told me the three greatest
    American Poets were: Whitman, Melville, and Dickinson.

    I agree.

  • Kurt Philip Behm

    I'm glad you liked it.

    Great weekend.


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