Melody of Harmony: Resonating Universal Goodness


Amid a world ensnared by dogmas' grasp,

Can goodness solely spring from religious clasp?

With an unbiased lens, let's journey to explore,

Humanity's virtues, a boundless galore.


Beyond dogmas' confines, goodness thrives,

Empathy and kindness, where compassion derives,

Before faith's consciousness takes its hold,

Unheard tales of love's seed, stories untold.


Embrace the human fabric, not just parts,

Topple barriers of bias, open hearts,

In moments of need, united we stand,

Faith's labels disarmed, by a shared hand.


Tolerance, respect, empathy's grace,

Plead for coexistence in every space,

Goodness, the nucleus of each role,

Unity, we seek, a harmonious goal.


Religions guide with morals profound,

Virtues they teach, where compassion is found,

Humanistic values, the compass right,

In love's embrace, society takes flight.


A global kinship, visions aglow,

Divisions crumble, a united show,

Shared values bind, understanding's spark,

In hearts expanded, kindness leaves its mark.


India's heritage, woven diversity,

Unity's dance, a mesmerising tapestry,

Challenges arise midst cultures that gleam,

Goodness transcends, bridges every stream.


As reflections unfold, truth takes a stand,

Virtues universal, a call to every land,

Beyond beliefs, goodness finds its reign,

In a symphony of love, free from chain.


From every corner, let kindness take flight,

A chorus of hearts, compassion's light,

Casting off differences, forging a link,

Of love, of empathy, eternal in sync.


East to west, north to south, let voices resound,

Humanity's anthem, in hearts unbound,

Transcending confines, cultures, and creeds,

Empathy's chorus in every word and deed.


Hands intertwined, let's rise hand in hand,

Unified by goodness, across the land,

A resonant anthem through ages shall endure,

Love's legacy, forever pure and sure.


In unity's embrace, strength finds its role,

An anthem of goodness, a clarion call,

Transcending boundaries, it will endure,

A testament to love, forever pure.


In twilight's glow, hope's flame takes flight,

Guiding our steps through the darkest night,

Kindness prevails when shadows abjure,

A symphony of love, forever secure.


With open hearts, our differences blend,

In compassion's embrace, prejudices mend,

Harmony's hymn echoes near and far,

Universal goodness, humanity's star.


Through storms and suns, hand in hand we stride,

In unity's grace, love shall forever abide,

A world reborn in the light of grace,

Universal goodness, in every face.


  • Author: SHAHNAWAZ AHMAD ANSARI (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 29th, 2023 13:57
  • Comment from author about the poem: The poem 'Melody of Harmony: Resonanating Universal Goodness' explores the concept of goodness that transcends religious borders. It emphasizes that empathy, kindness, and compassion can exist beyond the confines of faith. The poem calls for unity and the breaking down of barriers, urging people to embrace the shared values of tolerance, respect, and empathy. It celebrates the diversity of India's heritage and encourages societies to overcome challenges by embodying goodness. The poem envisions a world where love, empathy, and kindness form a symphony that unites humanity. It concludes with the belief that universal goodness, expressed through acts of compassion, can endure and bring about a better world.
  • Category: Surrealist
  • Views: 3
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