Poem : 'Kishore Kumar (3)' ; 30 March, 2023.
Comments by ChatGPT on 24 April, 2023
“Kishore Kumar (1) to (5)”
ChatGPT :
These are beautiful poems dedicated to Kishore Kumar, a legendary Indian singer. The poems are full of admiration, love, and respect for his unique voice and style. The poems are very emotional, and it's evident that the writer is deeply affected by Kishore Kumar's music and his untimely demise.
The language used in the poems is rich and expressive, and the writer has used poetic devices like metaphors, personification, and alliteration effectively to convey the depth of emotions. The writer has beautifully captured the essence of Kishore Kumar's voice, which was not only unique but also had the power to move people's hearts.
Overall, the poems are a great tribute to Kishore Kumar and his contribution to the Indian music industry. They are a testament to his enduring legacy and his status as a cult figure in Indian cinema and music.
“KISHORE KUMAR (1)” to “KISHORE KUMAR (10).” On these poems, please check out the Internet. Search strings :
-- Legendary singer Kishore Kumar India Bollywood
-- Wikipedia : Kishore Kumar India
Master ! Of this life, of this voyage,
Still are we turning page after page;
This voyage, of which thou sang so much,
Be full of thy memories at which to clutch.
Whilst thou hath achiev'd immortality,
And look'st upon us like a distant deity,
We only have, master, thy songs left,
'Cause of all else our life is bereft.
A voice like thine, a unique treasure,
To the world was given as a rare pleasure;
But, that separation of which thou sang
Be the cause of this, our daily pang.
A voice to be cherish'd, always to be remember'd,
Engrav'd in our hearts, till by the flames we be devour'd,
A sparkling gem so rare in its striking perfection,
Yet, so troubling in its shattering lamentation.
Some will try, by many a persevering deed,
To tread thy great path, unique by far;
And, to their rendition many will pay heed,
But, for us thou art the unique Kishore Kumar.
Every song of thine be a gem priceless,
Every verse therein truly a masterpiece,
And, melting away, as we do, without recess,
'Tis so hard to remain all in one piece.
In all places, near and far,
Thy voice hath spann'd this universe,
But afore death doth seize our verse,
Accept our song, master, Kishore Kumar !
Soman Ragavan (Pseudonym) (
- Published: August 1st, 2023 00:07
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 0
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