"Whispers of Colors: A Canvas's Tale"



Upon the canvas, colors dance and play, A symphony of hues in the light of day. Brushstrokes of passion, stories untold, A world of emotions, my heart's canvas bold.

Crimson and gold, a fiery embrace, Love's tender moments, frozen in space. Azure skies above, a tranquil sea below, Dreams and desires in every brushstroke flow.

With each stroke, a journey through time, A rhythm of words, a silent rhyme. Canvas, my canvas, a realm to explore, Where feelings and fantasies forever soar.

In pigments and textures, whispers of my soul, A masterpiece of feelings, my heart's hidden goal. So here I paint, a piece of my heart, A poem on canvas, a work of art

  • Author: SAFIYA MEHRAJ (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 19th, 2023 07:54
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 4
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  • Soman Ragavan

    I have liked your three poems. However, I can’t find the “Add to friends” button on your page. Soman Ragavan. 19 August, 2023. //

  • Parisab

    Beautiful and refreshingly colorful…

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