Once Upon a Tale of Romance

Petrichor of Love

Once upon a tale of romance, in the days of yore,

When twilights danced upon love's shore,

In the meadows adorned with petals of grace,

Two souls embarked on love's timeless chase.


Beneath the skies and those twinkling stars,

We found solace in each other's scars,

Two hearts entwin’d in a delicate dance,

Lost in a world of fervour and chance.


A symphony of whispers in the night,

With our love like a fire burning ever bright,

Me, a poet, with words, like sweetest wine,

She, an artist, her touch, like a sacred sign.

Through the whispered verses and stolen glances,

We wove a story of fated romances,

A connection deeper than the ocean's abyss,

A love so profound like an eternal kiss.


In gardens drenched in the palest moonbeams,

We shared secrets and their cherished dreams,

Hand in hand, we wandered in the twilight's glow,

Through enchanted forests where our love would grow.


Each stolen moment was a treasure we'd keep,

As we danced through valleys, wide and deep,

Our laughter rang like a bell's tender chime,

A melody echoing through the tapestry of time.


But as all tales go, there comes a twist,

A storm that tests the love they'd kissed,

A tempest that tore us apart; heart and soul,

Yet our love emerged stronger, once again whole.


For in the crucible of trials and tears,

Our love burned brighter, conquering fears,

With hearts ablaze, we faced the gales,

Writing our love story in immortal tales.


Once upon a tale of romance, so true,

Two souls bound together, me and you,

In the embrace of destiny's sweet design,

A love that forever in our hearts shall shine.


Hence I reminisce this tale of yore,

When love's light guided us to the core,

A reminder that love, in its purest form,

Can weather all storms and transcend the norm.


In the annals of time, our love shall prevail,

A timeless story that will never grow stale,

Once upon a tale, forever we'll be,

Entwined in the verses of our love's decree.

  • Author: Petrichor of Love (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 24th, 2023 09:39
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 12
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  • Pop64

    A wonderfully rhyming and descriptive write, which allows the reader the clear imagery to be witness to the love in the poem. Beautiful!

    • Petrichor of Love

      Thank you, sir. I appreciate your commentđź’•

    • LIZ

      This is incredible! Very romantic! Thank you for sharing!

      • Petrichor of Love

        Thank you, LIZ. I appreciate your remarkđź’•

      • L. B. Mek

        so well written, a lovely read
        thanks for sharing

        • Petrichor of Love

          Thank you L. B. I appreciate your commentđź’•

        • lenore_inNeverland

          This is one of the most beautiful poetic pieces that I have ever read!
          Extraordinary ballad of a love story

          • Petrichor of Love

            Thank you Rilla. I appreciate your comment đź’•

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