
Garth Rakumakoe

Many a times, only Jazz hears, understands, and comprehends my loneliness the most. Like an undiscovered wildflower.

  • Author: Garth Rakumakoe (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 24th, 2023 15:48
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 8
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  • Parisab

    Undiscovered wildflower is lonely and like jazz. Love the references and symbolism-

    • Garth Rakumakoe

      Thank you dear Poet. Much appreciated.

    • L. B. Mek

      probably because those trumpets
      are attuned
      to the pulse of our ancestral dreams and feats..
      (a deep line)
      thanks for sharing, dear Poet

      • Garth Rakumakoe

        A resonate and profound take L.B, on the noble sound.

      • LIZ

        Ah yes! Only jazz hears...and sometimes that's all I need! Beautiful!

        • Garth Rakumakoe

          A listening ear can be all the difference made in a day. - Thank you Liz. Much gratitude.

        • Firefall

          I appreciate the sentiment of your poem. How you can feel lonely even when surrounded by beauty.

          • Garth Rakumakoe

            Thank you, gifted one. A perceptive observation... Appreciated many times over.

          • SharonMoemise

            couldn't have said it better. I feel you, G

            • Garth Rakumakoe

              There's no better feeling than being understood, the way nobody else can.

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