The Mind Palace


You know, in that place called the mind palace,

Where you usually get lost for hours;

There is a bin

And it stores all your trash.


Trashy results, trashy nights and days,

Trashy thoughts, profiles of bad people,


And everyday or every week comes a trash collector.

So you take that bin and you go out 

But somehow you can't give  it away

So you open it and you look inside


Inside this dirtbag, you can't seem to leave

And you go through whatever is inside

Just to know what's stopping you

And sometimes or maybe often

You dive in a little too deep


On and on you go, relieving those things again

The anger, the sadness, the despair

After which you can't seem to find your way out

Out of this rotten bin


And then you come to accept that there is nothing that can satisfy you outside

So you keep going through the same darkness


And again 

And again

‘Til you actually forget that a world of good things waits just outside the hem of the cover


A world where you deserve everything you have achieved

Where despite the hurdles or even the smaller pebbles

You managed to make something out of yourself

Around people who love you


People who respect you

With people who stand by you

You just have to be strong enough to climb out

And then you can let others take care of you for a while


Because until you climb out, it's a hopeless world


Outside its brighter

Outside its stronger

Only then will you find happiness

Only then will you find peace

  • Author: Nikita03 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 3rd, 2023 12:33
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 3
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