What Matters Most

John Lee

I wish I had the words to say 

But nothing makes up for the day

That ripped us apart


I know I should've listened

When you said it was witching

But I was too far


Away from here

Today I'm near

To what matters most


Although I'm just a ghost

I cry out from the shadows

All I want from the sorrows

Is what matters most


Everything from within

Just wants everyone to win

But I know that I've lost

And I know at what cost


If only I knew then

If only forgiveness

Played a role in our hearts

Maybe love wouldn't be

Pulled and torn apart 


All the years passed by 

And those days are gone

But these tears won't dry

Until I'm finally home


The one you knew isn't who I've become

As I don't realize just who you are

We've only wanted to be someone

And maybe those people aren't too far

From what matters most..

  • Author: John Lee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 22nd, 2023 22:53
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 11
  • Users favorite of this poem: NikNak73
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Comments +


  • Thomas W Case

    Excellent work.

    • John Lee

      Thank you Thomas

    • 2781

      Could be to late after we're dead?

      • John Lee

        That indeed would be too late

      • Coreypaul1

        Love this John Lee, so touching❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

        • John Lee

          Thank you!

        • Andrew Jay

          This is good John Lee,
          Very touching indeed, well done

          • John Lee

            Thank you Andrew!

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