Windows to the soul




Eyes, the windows to the soul's expanse,

Reflecting emotions in a fleeting glance.

Pools of depth, where stories reside,

Unveiling truths, nowhere to hide.


In irises' hues, secrets softly gleam,

Mirrors of the soul, like a tranquil stream.

Emotions ripple, a silent ballet,

In the windows that speak what words can't convey.


Gaze into the soul's vast frontier,

Where joy and sorrow may appear.

Windows open to the universe within,

A cosmic journey, where feelings begin.


Eyes, the storytellers, silent and wise,

Conveying tales beneath the skies.

In those windows, a universe whole,

A sacred connection to the heart and soul.

  • Author: Chiki (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 21st, 2023 04:11
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 11
  • User favorite of this poem: John Lee.
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  • Soman Ragavan

    My comments on the poem "Windows to the soul” by Chiki1601
    1st stanza. Thus, as the poem says, the eyes are not only windows to the soul, but even to the whole expanse of that soul. We have no control over our eyes. Sometimes we try to avert our gaze, but we can’t do it completely. In one second, our eyes have given out messages, and this is beyond our control. The eyes reveal our emotions, our truths, our stories. We cannot hide from our eyes; we cannot prevent our eyes from revealing our hidden, inner selves.
    2nd stanza. In the eyes, secrets spread out, beyond our control. Our body might try to pass off some fake information, but the eyes speak the truth, and give the lie to the lie we are trying to pass off. The eyes are mirrors of the soul, and they permanently say openly our most secret thoughts. Our body may twitch to give off some fake impression, but the eyes unfailingly say the truth. Emotions leave the body through the eyes. They also do so through the body, but we may try to suppress some of the body language. The eyes speak a silent language. They speak words that the mouth and the body cannot reveal.
    3rd stanza. The eyes extend to the frontiers of the hidden soul. The “universe within” is the real one, the one we try to hide, but the eyes betray us by revealing our inner thoughts. Feelings may begin with the eyes and the heart. Indeed, it is the eyes that are the first point of contact, and they pass on information to the heart. The heart and the mind generate thoughts and feelings and may try to hide these, but the eyes give the game away.
    4th stanza. The eyes are described as storytellers. They tell volumes without making a sound. The eyes are said to be a connection with the heart and the soul.
    Thus, our eyes rule us, feed our feelings, and disclose what we want to hide. They also say that for which we find no words. They are beyond our control. Soman Ragavan, 21 December, 2023.

    • Chiki1601

      Thank you!

    • John Lee

      No comment here except this opened my windows to let in a moment's breeze.. very beautiful!

      • Chiki1601

        Thank you!

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