For Stupid Me


Our life mapped out before us,


That map now but smoldered ash,


A perfect happy journey,


Now all's left a final crash.




Our first steps felt so right,


Our hands enwrapped naturally,


Our eyes always the others gaze,


Our heartbeats as one perfectly.




Now on the cift edge I stand,


I turn to your hand held out to me,


Still I step back,


For I am stupid me!

  • Author: markziff (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 1st, 2024 15:44
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 4
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Comments +


  • Cassie58

    A hand held out, isn’t always one that will solve our problems. I think your heart is telling you something here. I do not see stupid anywhere in this poem. I enjoyed the read.

    • markziff

      Thank you, it's more I keep doing things to sabotage my own happiness. 😢

    • Cassie58

      Sometimes sadly we can be our own worse enemy.

      • markziff

        I know & I'll probably always be. 😢

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