Please Michelle Obama...


can you save American democracy?

I highly hugely grant

Barack Hussein belated kudos
what with his wizardesses
in tow wrought wonders
to one nation analogous
while an under dog
sweeping in like...
It's a Bird... It's a Plane...

It's NOT Superman

but the Beagle Snoopy

imitating the Red Baron

saving the day.

Analogous to powerful twelve Olympians
in ancient Greek religion and mythology
(Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Aphrodite,
Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus,
Hermes, and either Hestia and Dionysus)
you wield immense influence
among United States electorate,
(especially an exceptionally strong following,
where people of color be concerned)
which upcoming presidential election
November fifth MMXXIV
decrees intrepid politically savvy candidate.

No need to x (typically pronounced
as the voiceless consonant cluster /ks/
when it follows stressed vowel e.g. ox,
and the voiced consonant /ɡz/
when it precedes stressed vowel e.g. exam.

It is also pronounced /ɡz/
when it precedes a silent ⟨h⟩
and a stressed vowel
e.g. exhaust) spleen
with mine pun hushing
dull liver re:
how many citizens (most Democrats
and even a goodly amount of Republicans),
would vote for you in a heartbeat.

As the elegant forty fourth first lady
you became a role model for women
and an advocate for healthy families,
service members and their families,
higher education, and international
adolescent girls education.

Your megawattage aura, charisma, persona
continues to bring you rave reviews
and imbues avid supporters
as she positively affects
ringing endorsements of the following:
military families, working women
balance their careers and families
encourages national service,
promotes the arts and arts education,
and fosters healthy eating

and healthy living
for children and families

across the country.

Additionally, you earned
widespread acclaim and publicity
on the topic of healthy eating
by planting the first White House
vegetable garden since Eleanor Roosevelt
served as First Lady.


Totalitarianism will be trumpeted
courtesy the coiffed oaf

donned with FAKE orange hair,

whereby constitutional freedoms

beginning with disenfranchisement

will disallow, disable, and withhold
an increasing number
regarding people of color,

plus people hashtagged

as undocumented immigrants

forcibly returned to their homeland,
no matter purpose driven lives

includes people arriving
for work and study,
as well as for humanitarian purposes,
including unique events
such as those arriving
from Ukraine and Hong Kong.


Citizens like yours truly

will raise cane to no avail;

the prospect hard won freedoms
since the founding
of these United States of America
could be rescinded
at the stroke of a pen,
I already bewail
as a fait accompli
no surprise then


that even crafting poetry
dutifully doth decry abolition

of inalienable rights
(for life, liberty,

and the pursuit of happiness

strongmen of the law could curtail

suppressing dissent as forcibly decreed
"The devil is in the details"

will mount insurrection against holy grail

as enshrined in Declaration of Independence


turning into figurative mincemeat
the Constitution lighting a torch,
where “City On A Hill”
backbreaking slave labor
erected courtesy hearty and hale

dark skinned people
violently wrenched from homeland
mercilessly whipped and tortured
viz lynched while still alive a stake
thru flesh didst impale.


Politicians with a conscience
the exception rather than the rule,
and looking, peering, and

scanning back forty seven years
when thirty ninth occupant of White House

chose Walter Frederick "Fritz" Mondale
an American lawyer and politician

served as the 42nd vice president

of the United States from 1977 to 1981

under President Jimmy Carter,

I think virtue throve.

Hammering the final nail

in the figurative coffin of democracy

can be heard echoing
across the voluminously storied

complex edifice rent asunder
courtesy diabolical forces crumbled,
whereby all the king's men
and horses could not
resurrect best western civilization.

  • Author: poet2rhyme4tommorrow (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 17th, 2024 16:00
  • Category: Sociopolitical
  • Views: 10
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  • Norman Flagtea

    Your words in God's ear!!
    A very nice poem, witty and ironic...!

  • Norman Flagtea

    Why not send it to her? Not that it would change much - but one honest voice is one honest voice...

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