Poison Bouquets


Make sure all these people eat, the pleasures in the meal prep,

Kitchen confidential, through silence all whispers get exposed,

Hard truths make it hard to breathe like it’s mold,

I pose, similar to ballrooms,

I miss the possibilities that came with cereal and cartoons,

It was just my imagination that had me running towards temptation,

Addiction plagued my family for generations, Spanking new vices, actors in crisis,

There’s a false flag in the parking lot of an outlet mall,

Active shooter alert, Homies stay prepared underneath the shirt,

Till death do us part, This happens every March,

Time is a flat circle for the American Spring, Requiems for those who perished from copycat schemes,

We were taught to think big but they incepted the dream,

These lobbyist treat politicians like slot machines,

In this new normal hard to ignore these false senses of security,

Watching kids practice delivering their eulogies,

Another God sent hustler placating us with thoughts and prayer,

Reverend, I brought popcorn to watch our own despair,

All dressed up for my day of being target practice,

Gangs run the world let’s start with Southern Baptist.

I’m as “optimistic” as the next through these sounds of blackness,

Prescribe me with joy, head to Fargo, when it’s bleaker,

On every corner propaganda being spread through Bluetooth speakers,

By some girls scouts with Old South imagery on their uniforms,

Southern Belles Civil War role play as the unicorn,

True trauma porn,

Heard the cookies were laced with DMT,

Reality hits like Ticketmaster fees,

The homeless man yelled please, To a couple Varsity jacket wearing teens,

Laughing while he danced for a couple dollars in his cup,

They should’ve been starstruck,

He was GI Joe before the roadside explosion left his mind fucked,

Sanity is overrated as the world turns into a candle,

Burn baby burn, you can find the beauty in the ashes, it’s all about the angle

  • Author: icablock28 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 19th, 2024 17:46
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 2
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