I Want To Be That Dream


I want to be that dream

That's on repeat
Like your favorite song.
I want to be held
In your arms
Like your favorite
I want to move
Oceans with you
And sail across
The universe till
Time stands still.
Then when it all stops
I want to embrace
You with a grip
That will never let go
And fall into a new world
That has never been explored.
I want to be that dream
That comes to you
Almost every night
So you have a chance
To miss me.
I want to be that dream
That fights off all
Your nightmares.
I want to be that dream
That comforts you
During scary thunderstorms,
And hides under the covers
To keep safe.
I want to be that dream
That lasts.
I want to be that dream
That's not afraid to
Act like kids again.
I want to be that dream
That stands up for what's right
I want to be that dream
That's perfectly imperfect
I want to be THAT dream.

  • Author: Penguin (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 22nd, 2024 01:00
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 6
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  • Cassie58

    I enjoyed the sentiment expressed in your lines. I hope your dreams come true. Nicely penned.

    • Penguin

      🙏🏽thank you

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