
In the land of laughter, where clown roam,

There's a character, wild, called Benson, our home,

With a nose for mischief and a grin so wide,

He turns ordinary moments into a joyous time.


In a world of serious faces, Benson stands medium,

His humor, a potion, breaking the seriousness.

With a quip and a jest, he dances through the day,

Turning things upside down in his bad way.


Benson, the clown, with a heart so light,

Spreads joy and laughter, morning 'til night.

His antics and jokes, a remedy for the soul,

In his company, happiness takes the lead.


So here's to Benson, the cheerful guide,

Whose laughter is catching, spreading far and wide.

In a world that needs mood, he's a revere friend,

Benson, the one, making dull moments  mend up.


  • Author: Iddy Chesire Leshan (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 27th, 2024 00:56
  • Comment from author about the poem: This poem portrays my roommate, a constant source of humor and entertainment. I would describe him as a mood converter, effortlessly transforming any atmosphere with his infectious laughter and amusing presence.
  • Category: Friendship
  • Views: 5
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  • Cassie58

    People like Benson are few and far between. Like gold dust they are, worth treasuring. A fine tribute to friendship.

    • ReonoxB

      Yeah sure. Thank you so much for your comment.

    • John

      Wish there were more Benson's out there, I enjoyed your poem

    • ReonoxB

      Same case, for me he is the first person I ever met that always make my day.
      Thank you so much for you comment.

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