None like you


You are the man with emotions

This is the reason you respect others emotions too


You are the man with sensitive heart

This is the reason you feel others feelings too


You are the man with the charming smile

This is the reason you become the reason for others smiles too


You are the man with deep pleasing eyes

This is the reason you soothe others eyes too


You are you none like you

This is the reason I like you

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  • Goldfinch60

    Wonderful loving words Dayena.


    • Dayena

      Thank you so much..

    • peto

      Lovely tribute to someone you hold close

      • Dayena

        I sencearly appreciate..

      • Neville

        I suspect there is a very lucky fella out there somewhere .. and blushing probably .. Neville

        • Dayena

          Hope so ☺️
          Thank you for taking the time to share your insights on my poetry.

        • Accidental Poet

          Beautifully written Dayena. 👍

          • Dayena

            Thank you so much.

          • John Lee

            Beautifully captures the recognition of a man's heart. It would mean the world to him if you'd give it to him. Nicely done!

            • Dayena

              I hope so 🙂 thank you for your kind words.

              • John Lee

                You\'re welcome. Our hearts is what we most protect, guard and commonly hide from others. Men more so, putting on hard fronts but the moment he knows you \"see him\" .. he\'ll be clay in your hands

              • 1 more comment

              • Parisab

                You’ve grown fond of your muse and so no bells and whistles were required of your poem. Simply lovely…

                • Dayena

                  I'm touched by your positive remarks about my poetry. Thank you

                  • Parisab

                    My pleasure! Feel free to visit my work …

                  • Thomas W Case

                    Beautiful work.

                    • Dayena

                      Thank you for reading..

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