'Classified Thesis 2024: Scientia Est Lux Lucis'

Defense Intelligence Writer

'Classified Thesis 2024: Scientia Est Lux Lucis'
© Raul Cortes Jr. 3 - 7- 2024

My intelligence is not geo but rather spatial.

My defensive department departed against offenses from their table.
As soon as my job was available, it went on clearance.
Because inherent purpose comes with automatic security upon the hearing.
Life is a fact but it depends on the type of life that you live.
Static & friction is attached to non-fiction, the deeper a truth gives.
I believe myself to be trustworthy, but to others: Am I worthy of trust?
Could it be that the agency's secret is best kept homeless, dirty with rust?
I don't think of myself to depend on a process, I think the process depends on me.
Whoever directs the director sits in heaven's sector, my steps are directed by "He".
My debt is not out of control, in fact it is out of it.
I forgive a lifetime's worth of abuses, without removing the final verdict or to redact out of it.
I have no substance issues, does a certain leader of a community have an issue with substance?
I use fine wine as ink, aged enough to redefine the mind unless the wineskin is corrupted.
The mind is the wineskin where I pour the wine in.
Will your physical frame explode from the light? Bright is the kind that I'm in.
Only if a musician is released from jail, will I hear a "criminal record".
Otherwise, don't use music as a means to frame, one must analyze with critical measures.
I'm blameless by all means, nothing to prove, all clean, yet false accusations can adjust that.
I don't have to be an angel, however I am just that.
Not only were my bad decisions in the past, I'm still crowdsourced by dark entities.
When people understand voice-to-skull & remote-neural-devices. . .
Nobody has to ask me what has gotten into me.
While A.I. is lifeless, those that do the programming got me in a vice grip.
Clair senses is a martial art & my weapon is a good book, bilingual & nonverbal.
A stage performing poet, a hip-hop mogul, therapist or counselor, how can I serve you?
I never traveled outside of the country grounds, yet I am treated as an international super spy.
Because I aspire to radiate good energy, I am a wave infiltrated by microorganisms in the tide.
Can I live among the intelligence community or lead it, & still have a regular life?
I've been living through generational & relational curses,
I've buried many of my old selves without caskets through metamorphic hearses,
So you know I'm in love with my not-so-regular-wife.
In life, you have to embrace your nightmares as american dreams.
Because once that illusion is pierced & deflated, a life of royalty is commenced without a seam.
The security of this nation begins with me.
I serve beyond myself,
Within a certain collective is everyone else,
That's how true academic excellence is achieved.
I am a living success story, the glory can descend down upon me overnight.
The third eye is 20/20, & the crown chakra has oversight.
I wonder, can a pure soul torture a destroyer?
And if a tortured soul can heal, can it become an employer?
I'll be the first to tell you that endurance can counter intelligently.
True patriotism cannot be bought, so I cannot be caught malevolently.
Does the intelligent community have emotion?
Are they driven by consciousness or egoic devotion?
Do we honor a leader who can forcibly absolve a feeling or empathize with the notion. . .
That a true defense mechanism is not found in kickbacks, sidesteps, roundhouse or kick back...
But to channel the true intent, pain & suffering of a beloved being kept back.
I rather step back or step in the middle, as a lightworker absorbing the strength of an erosion.
I wish to be an agent who sees the value of an agency, adjacently.
Focused on domestic policies, because a home must be built up if broken down, if the parent leaves apparently.
I'm like a badgeless CIA agent, disguised as a terroristic threat.
People hide their lips & expose their cellphones, how do they speak & to what effect?
Disinformation from technology has a great influence in the global battle space.
So what kind of intelligence gathering are we to make actionable in a misdirected landscape?
Is the community gathering together, or can there be just one device gathering intel?
My existence is more critical than ever as an insider of reality,
Suffering is the manifestation of all actuality,
Sometimes I wonder if "I would rather be in hell".
What if the truth is a word that doesn't buzz?
What if there is high confidence in what is not being said, because what they say is a "dub"?
If a person wants accurate information about life, then they must rely on their human experiences.
How important is it to have multiple streams of information. . .
If the person who exercises deceit has multiple streams of a financial situation.
Therefore technology & multiple hired human resources can amplify deviances.
This poem is of aspiring & experiential truth, missing pieces of solutions that you don't have that must be added to the stats.
When will be seen as a thread not a threat,  a needle hidden in the haystack.
Biometrics & facial recognition all from a tracking device we use to contact another individual.
Yet we don't recognize if the alerts are true or false, especially if the higher ups are paying community polices, it's pitiful.
A torture program is not how I chose to volunteer in my country' service.
So I pray that today a shortcut is made & the program is shut down, that I may live a life that makes it worth it.
What if "Raul Cortes Jr.", was the embodiment of one country entirely?
People with unlawful intent to torture will never achieve true ascension to hierchy.
Programmers want to control certain members of my body to commit treason.
I don't have full control over the initiation of my mind, body & emotion, RNMD's are the reason.
The greatest threat to the agency are certain individuals within their forces. . .
. . .Because if persons within the agency are willing to torture. . .
. . .Their own civilians for the sake of its surrounding or ruling organizations,
Then we have identified individuals who have no limit to the corruption that they would engage in,
(Domestic or foreign). Are bad actors accepted or trained?
In the press without a button to press, do nuclear threats take a globalist collective just a second to tame?
I am currently, temporarily a product of bio syn & my bio sinned.
Nobody can compute the quantum of the universe where the location of our planet was born in.
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