Met her many years earlier in a Germanic country, let’s be more precise, Germany. I was there for work. She was not.
ERRE LO in civil partnership with a local man- living in his flat-8 years.
No more desire towards him. Sleeping in different rooms. Her, covering up her eyes with a mask.
Dreaming a job- a flying job.
Achieved her goal during 2 years- flight attendant.
Head upside-down, frequent travels to other continents- The Americas.
Head upside-down for harsh shifts-
Getting up at sunrise- running to airports-
Back pain.
Leg pains.
Nose issues.
Throat issues.
Insomnia- permanent sleeping disorders.
Nausea when thinking about her partner. No violence. No sexual drive towards him.
He might have loved her! Who knows! They should know.
Despite that, hired as flight attendant- to the Americas.
Flying over other continents ’skies. Head upside-down.
Nice chats with her on her flirty attitude as teenager, or at least considered so.
Many jobs had changed since then for her.
We kept however on a superficial level some conscious features in common:
Skin awareness- lipstick cheerfulness- younger men preferences, but not the
same physical type at all. Making jokes about it.
Mine are quite different from hers.
Flirty type- encounter kiss on the lip at second meeting-dinner at candle light.
No kiss for me, not even at the 10th time! No sensed. No hope.
Tight dark curly hair, no selfies, but lots ‘’let’s look myself in the mirror’’ her, not me!
Going out with her: ERRE LO and I, window shopping, fragrances smelling, chats about
her female friends’ desire to become mothers.
ERRE LO: particular hatred towards men of her country, Spain.
(I would not say why, do not know them)!
I struggle to understand the so-called cultural gaps- I was born from a cultural gap!
Has attraction something to do with it?
ERRE LO, no particular interest towards any professional field.
ERRE LO very much settled in the Germanic land, meetings with ‘’ninas’’, gossiping.
to drink a coffee, un agua. (tonic water in Spain)
University studies. Erasmus when very young- German literature.
Very shallow definition of peoples’ cultures and races.
Unspeakable- inexpressible- nonetheless considered.
Men, young men from HER country find her unconsciously attractive- very attractive.
Germans less.
Italian men common plain type of woman. Once I was told, by former collegues.
Right hand very frequently in front of her mouth when speaking.
No se, si se, no sabria.
Met her after a good bunch of faded flowers- Me living in an English-speaking country in Europe.
Her father had recently passed away of cancer in Spain.
Her- involved in a particular relationship with a 20-year-old ‘’intelligent’’
Ukrainian man- hotels paid- restaurant-‘’follar’’ not much. more noise than
Nonetheless- very much appreciated young man- he dared!
Same enchanted face features on her photos with men- no matter which love there was!
1 year later- a phone call from her, the young Ukrainian was annoying her to the ….
extremes……no danger though.
He started new studies.
She used to meet very patient men- during her not very stable health-
waiting for her to be recovered- to go out-for a date!
One day I asked her on the phone: ‘’how was it with the Ukrainian’’?
Reply: ‘’La verdad que ni me he enterado, el hace el amor a su rollo’’!
She felt the caress- his partner’s hands.
Another phone call from her- message- Dating a Polish man- just a kiss nothing else.
Feeble voice- health issues- back pain- No time.
Courtship, compliments- all paid for some evenings.
Erotic? ‘’ni me he enterado, not a nice sentence for men of her country.
Acceptable in the country she lives in- she has been living for nearly 29 years!
2 years later- trip to Barcelona- met the current German boyfriend in a small
square, in company of other friends.
Stable- good sense of humour- great support-living on his own-good job.
Smooth relationship- there when needed most.
Deep passion for foreign languages – in particular romance languages.
The only one she managed to learn as native is only one: German.
That’ s the only language she speaks as second language. 29 years in Germany- social flat.
Simple indifferent life.
And nothing else! ERRE LO.
Swarovski20 (
- Published: April 14th, 2024 12:03
- Category: Friendship
- Views: 1
Nowdays she does not even makes me smile
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