I blinked


I blinked,
I'm playing with toys,
running outside,
making noise.

I blinked, 
I'm in school, 
learning new things,
obeying every rule.

I blinked,
I'm more depressed,
questioning life,
my mind is a mess.

I blinked,
I'm done with exams,
it was tough, 
it was all that I had.

I blinked,
I'm putting in the hours,
taking extra shifts,
consuming all my power.

I blinked,
I'm raising my own,
thriving on their affection,
filled a gap in my soul.

I blinked,
I'm a dam 
commencing to weaken,
can no longer stand.

My eyelids are too heavy,
I've lost the ownership 
of my body.

I can't blink.

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  • Kylie the 7th grade female poet

    I am a new poet and I have to say although I'm still in middle school I still feel the emotion, and I would like to say it is an amazing poem

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