Snow white clouds


Snow-white clouds decorate the sky

They are fluffy and fleecy, and pleasant to the eye

They are the silver linings on many a gray morn

When you lazily wake up, stifling a yawn.


Coal-black clouds that herald the rain

Help the brown earth to change to green again

And filling up the reservoirs, tanks and the lake

Touch the little seedlings – saying – Lazybones, awake.


Pretty, dainty clouds that brighten the sky

Sailing gracefully, up there, on high

Help to revive your spirits when they are low

And lighten the frown that’s creasing your brow.


Little, white clouds that sail over the bay

Spread happiness as they go on their way

Serenely, majestically, in the azure sky

These bundles of happiness, do slowly sail by


  • Author: safina (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 17th, 2024 00:15
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 7
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  • Thomas W Case

    Powerful imagery.

    • NafisaSB

      thanks - feels nice when a poem gets such a response
      have a lovely weekend..

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