Forgotten Dreams

Dev Parth

In the hollow of the night, where shadows dance and sway,
Resides a soul burdened, in a silent, endless fray.
A symphony of sighs, a cacophony of pain,
In the gallery of longing, where memories remain.

Echoes of laughter, now whispers in the breeze,
Fading into darkness, like autumn's golden leaves.
A heart once ablaze, now cloaked in icy shroud,
In the labyrinth of sorrow, where silence screams aloud.

Through the maze of moments, where dreams and reality collide,
Lies a tale of love's demise, where hope and despair coincide.
In the tapestry of tears, where scars paint a story,
A masterpiece of anguish, in shades of melancholy.

Yet amidst the ruins, a spark refuses to die,
A glimmer of resilience, in the depths of a sigh.
For even in sorrow, there's a strength to be found,
In the ashes of heartache, a phoenix may yet abound.

So let the tears cascade, let the heartache sing,
For in the depths of sadness, there's still beauty in the sting.
And though the road is treacherous, and the path unclear,
The saddest hearts can find redemption in the shadows they revere.

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