

when we make mistakes there nothing we can do
we must try again start again a new
this time get it right mistakes have been and gone
nothing you can do life must carry on

we all make mistakes its something that we do
happens to us all every me and you
put them in the past let them just move on
nothing you can do they have been and gone

  • Author: jim56 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 17th, 2024 04:17
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 5
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  • Cassie58

    There is wisdom in your lines Jim. The way we learn is through our mistakes. We all make them. The art is in the learning. Have a lovely Saturday. Hope your garden is blooming.

    • jim56

      hi Cassie mistakes they go
      we move on made loads myself
      learn and live on
      got some more garden done plants out.
      built two new planters and archway

      more plants to do yet tomatoes cucumber lettuce
      lovely here today thankyou for your always lovely comment
      have a lovely weekend xxxx

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