Mental Health Awareness Week


Problems for the mind can creep on us in stealth,
Awareness week in the UK for Mental Health.
Beating ourselves up - we falter and fall,
Earth's alienating like Mars in Total Recall.
Recommended medication or counselling?
Confusion on what is actually happening?
Depressed states and smashed dinner plates,
Not sure how much more you can take.
Just wanting to not feel a complete mess,
Totally stressed out and anxious,
I know it's difficult to remain sane,
People are going through a lot of pain,
Been alright for months but relapsed again.
Don't throw all of your hope away,
An underdog will always have its day.

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  • orchidee

    Good write S.

  • aDarkerMind

    a very good read here...
    and mental health week gets my total support.

  • 2781

    Who couldn't be mentally challenged when we are constantly feed depression.
    They sow to reap .

  • Poetic Dan

    Loved every moment from start to end I was once an underdog and definitely had good days! But nothing stays good for ever! We all need to embrace the constant change.
    Keep up the write
    Much peace and respect

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