Ask Yourself

E Naughton

You feel no hands holding

You step forward 

Free of grip

Grasping at nothing 

The same nothing you know in your heart,

Is everything 

Finding your own way

One step followed by another

Fear of falling fading

As you find your feet

Facing forward 

Looking back will only bring imbalance 

Bracing for the unexpected

steady stance holding true 

First steps through storms

Followed by satisfying smile

As you pull yourself up,

grasping at nothing,

Followed by one voice, your voice,

Guiding you,

On your own way.

  • Author: E Naughton (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 18th, 2024 08:04
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 12
  • Users favorite of this poem: Poetic Dan
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  • Poetic Dan

    Wow fantastically done not sure if that's me as an adult doing some shadow work or a baby first steps!
    Maybe it's an one in the same as I know what it also feels like to be born again.
    Keep up the write

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