The Universal Soldier



As I Lie here dreaming the night away

Waiting for the dawn, ready to fight another day

The universal soldier that I have become

So far from home, from Dad and Mum

My Wife, my Children to them a stranger I have become

Not the man I once was to anyone

War changes men in so many ways

As we try to live through the coming days

Never knowing if each day will be our last

The Bombs, the Bullets come thick and fast

My comrades in arms each and everyone

To me a Brother, my one true friend they have become

On each other we completely rely

We have no one else when the enemy’s rounds begin to fly

A comrades hit, lay dying there

No time to be afraid, just show you care

Help where possible; risk your life to save his

As around you smoke and bullets whizz

For he would do the same for you

Because that in the end is what soldiers do?

Each death is greeted like a brother lost

Every day we have to count the cost

Sometimes you wonder will it be me today

But not long in the mind does that thought stay



You just bite your lip, put on your pack

Like a lifetime on your back

Contains all you need to see it through

Above all the courage inside of you

We fight, we party all as one

Because that is what we have become

A true fighting unit all for one and one for all

Together we stand, together we fall

Sadly some may not make it through

Take a lonely flight home, just thank God it’s not you

So when you awake tomorrow it’s the fallen comrades you are fighting for

I am a Universal Soldier for ever more

But as I dream of the ones I love

My fallen comrades in heaven above

I know I will do my duty, be what I am

A Soldier, a one true fearless man

I will give my life for my county if it’s my destiny

Be buried with the flag knowing I have made a better life for those who truly love me

  • Author: cully45 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 18th, 2024 10:33
  • Comment from author about the poem: Just a few words of thought.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 7
  • Users favorite of this poem: jarcher54
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  • jarcher54

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts... most of us can scarcely imagine!

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