I am at war


I am at War

I live a life so sheltered from the physical wars going on around me,

Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, Somalia, Congo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Yemen and many more to name,

I live a life blissfully unaware of my blessings and luxuries, 

Millions being tortured, sold, dying, starving, sick and crying out for our help that never came,

So no we are not the same.


The war that I face is for my soul, attention and energy that the enemy is trying to claim,

He will whisper lies into our ears that if God was real then why would he allow so much suffering and pain?

But this pain is mankind's doing as they let their own flesh, desires and greed win so God is not to blame,

This is a story we have heard one too many times that God has had to sit through over and over again.


They are too distracted with the enemies false promise of riches, land, status and fame,

That they no longer see the worth of love, joy, and purpose that Jesus was sent to proclaim.

The dystopian films I grew up watching are no longer far from my view the world's frame,

Someday's I wish Genesis 1 ended verse 25 as we do not reflect the image in which we were made.


But I am at war with myself and must hold onto hope that humanity can be saved.


  • Author: ChristianGirl2005 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 8th, 2024 08:05
  • Comment from author about the poem: This poem only captures a fragment of the horrific things taking place in our world today. We read it in the news and sympathise for a second before getting uncomfortable and shutting it out. There are no sides to war because victims land either side. We are all God's people.
  • Category: Religion
  • Views: 15
  • User favorite of this poem: Qurrathul Ain.
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  • Doggerel Dave

    I have no religion. So I usually avoid pins which have religious connotations in their title or pseudonym.
    Not long out of bed – still sleepy, saw β€˜war’ and went for it.
    Glad I did – I found it well structured with a coherent argument, which I like.
    So just one small question (which you can afford to ignore): Just what is the role of God? Noninterventionist? A bystander?
    Did enjoy the poem, though. 😊

    • ChristianGirl2005

      I also dislike to label it religion as I see Christianity as more of a relationship than a set of rules, but I appreciate your comment and taking the time to read it despite this πŸ™‚ Considering your question, in my experience God certainly intervenes and there is always a greater reason for his choice in timings. Gods first intervention is providing us with all the knowledge and wisdom we could need in the Bible so that we are equipped to go and make good decisions. But reflecting on this, there are points where he intervenes with floods or plagues or over-throws cities, when his people are failing to listen to this guidance. Or there are other points where he delivers his people and saves them from themselves. For the Egyptians it took 400 years. In my own life God intervenes in many ways. For example, people who are no good for me but I am not strong enough to remove, he will for me. But sometimes when enduring a hard period in life and it feels like he is silent, I have to trust he will intervene when the time is right and that is not for me to judge because his plan is greater.

      'Revelation' is the final book of the Bible which explores the end days and how God will bring justice to those who are alive and those who have passed for evil things they have done and have not repented for. Your question is a hard one to answer because the waiting period for justice can be long and frustrating. But being a christian means you hold on to hope that he has delivered on his promises before and he will again. So to summarise I believe his role is to give us a chance to change ourselves, and whilst he is a forgiving God he will avenge his people if we do not change. Romans 12: 19-21 'leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: β€œIt is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.'

      • Doggerel Dave

        Thanks for that, and I asked out of pure curiosity in an attempt to understand how your beliefs interpreted the absolute mess humans find themselves on earth. I value the time you took to answer me, rather than the often one liner which can be seen everywhere on MPS.

        And I came to emojis late in life so when i use them...... my πŸ™‚only meant that I wanted you to see that it was a friendly query......

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