You do it to yourself


I'm an accident waiting to happen 

A riot about to explode 

A song that stops every foot tappin'

The fork at the end of your road


The knife in your heart that's been twisted 

The goals just outside of your reach 

That person you've always insisted 

Has nothing but hatred to preach 


I'm the ultimate fly in your ointment 

That itch you can never quite scratch 

The bringer of pure disappointment 

The break you can never quite catch 


So next time you see your reflection 

Look past the exterior view

Get rid of this whole damn collection 

As all of it's stemming from you 

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  • Mutley Ravishes

    Ain't that so!

    • peto

      Truly appreciate the visit and comment mutley
      Many thanks

    • 2781

      If we were to judge ourselves we wouldn't be judged.

      • peto

        Wise words indeed
        Thank you very much

      • Introverted Sage

        So true! The hardest thing seems to be letting it all go.
        Deep self reflection is so needed.
        Brilliant write

        • peto

          Too kind sage
          But very much appreciated
          Many thanks

        • Christina8

          OMG I love the rhyme scheme of this poem and it's oh so true, especially at the end. I really like this one!! Just love the rhymes, like I said. Perfection!

          • peto

            You humble me Christina
            Extremely grateful as always
            I truly appreciate you and your time
            Many thanks

          • O. Ella

            This is extremely beautiful!
            I think the reason we judge others is because we are afraid of being judged ourselves

            • peto

              You could very well be right there o
              I truly appreciate the read and comment
              Many thanks

            • Cassie58

              Such well penned stanzas peto. This poem reads so well aloud and the flow is first rate. Well done.

              • peto

                Many thanks cassie
                Really appreciate such positive encouragement
                Extremely grateful as always

              • Doggerel Dave

                The kind of poetry I like - Excellent, peto.
                I refuse to comment further on the grounds that it may incriminate me.......

                • peto

                  The kind of comment I like
                  Thank you Dave
                  Really appreciate the support

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