

I haven't written much of late 

My muse has had to isolate

Her whispered wisdom absent from my ears

It hurts each time I strain to think 

Her beaming smile and sultry wink

The words she'd use to softly dry my tears

Why leave me during such dark times 

The flowing verse and snappy rhymes 

She gifted me now Nestle in the past

My empty rhythm's lacking soul 

Leaving a gaping unfilled hole

One filled by spells that only she could cast

So if indeed she has moved on

The gift removed the magic gone

My gratitude will never truly end

I'll sit in silence every night 

Tune in with all my mustered might

To any message she may choose to send 


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  • Teddy.15

    She is always with you, you just have to be patient 🌹

    • peto

      Ah patience, that virtue I don't have much time for
      Thanks Teddy
      Always a pleasure to see you

      • Teddy.15

        Well try you don't have a choice dear peto make the Scots proud 🦚

      • 2781

        I doubt this is the end, our friend.

        • peto

          Cheers man
          I really appreciate that

        • O. Ella

          This is something I can very well relate to, such a beautiful read.

          • peto

            Thank you o
            Apologies for late reply
            Truly appreciate you reading and taking time to comment

            • O. Ella

              That’s alright Peto, you’re very much welcome

            • Christina8

              I know I'm not your muse but such words touch the heart, so sorry I wasn't online for this one too. "the gift removed the magic gone"---never! You have such a gift and I, as always, look forward to more poems...

              • peto

                Thank you Christina
                You have quite the gift yourself
                Many thanks

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