In My Sunday Morning Mews


in my sunday morning mews

with views of summers after-thought

through second-hand confetti in a ball.

am in a lemon sorbet mood

where cuts the cringe of northern lights

my tongue alive with wishes 

of an oriental flame.


a gentle breeze of metaphors

too many words that fail my brittle tones

I am all but one. a braver man than this.


there are people here with enigmatic smiles

who wile away my hours 

through trials and tribulations

to run amok left-handed on my face.


it is bright enough to hunt the cobra down

drown his spitting sorrows 

where the white rooks feed their off-spring 

a taverns blood-and-treackle through a sting.


the breeze now raw as meat on smoking wood

that lights my mind the circle of a crab

it is dreary. it is drab.

it tastes of blood I haven't met before. 


it is time to march

with compass to the cross

and pray no buggers hand-me-downs

drown my spine in a knuckle-full of ice.


this beauty of a pact.

a perfect match of love and cigarettes

two lungs in love on a bed of alkaloid.

I only fall from grace one year in every three.




  • Author: Melvin James (Pseudonym) (Online Online)
  • Published: June 16th, 2024 02:19
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 12
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15
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  • Cassie58

    Some incredible lines here. Every line a poetic treat. Lovely.

    • aDarkerMind

      thank you Cassie.
      kind words very much appreciated.

    • Thad Wilk

      Powerful penning
      poet, strong
      feelings and
      thoughts eloquently
      expressed, poetic
      perfection throughout
      each line!!
      Have a grrrr8
      Best regards ✌️. Thad

      • aDarkerMind

        most kind Thad..thank you.

        you have a great Sunday as well my friend.

      • Teddy.15

        The very essence of the bitter sweet in life. Beautifully done my dear Melvin. 🌹

        • aDarkerMind

          thank you Teddy.

          for all your support and very kind words.

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