18 June, 2024
On 17 June 2024, at Staines-upon-Thames, England, a cow had escaped from its place and had run in the streets. Attempts were made to capture it, but in vain. Finally, a police car deliberately rammed the animal and injured it. The policeman responsible had then been re-assigned to other duties. See the Internet about this incident, 18 June, 2024 :
Police car hitting cow in England
Internet links :
---See the comments made on policemen in England and their consciences. Robert Mark, in his book : "IN THE OFFICE OF CONSTABLE." London : William Collins, 1978.
---See the comments made by visitors on English policemen. From the book by Sir Robert Mark : "POLICING A PERPLEXED SOCIETY." London : George Allen & Unwin, 1977.
The poor thing ran wildly in the streets,
The lights were disorienting,
The sounds were frightening :
It could not understand…
Dangers were closing in.
Strange beasts were closing in, too,
Making weird sounds…
Strange lightnings, too..
Other means had fail’d :
One had to go for the joker :
Something that would definitely take down
The smart animal…
Suddenly a SUCCESSFUL hit was made
With the unforgiving chariot…
The poor animal never knew what hit it…
A terrible pain gnawing away…
“Why me,
What have I done ?...
What beast had hit me ?...
I was only running from danger…
I didn’t even know where I was going…
I was lost…
I wish I were dead !...”
The method was not a new one :
It had been tried and tested…
After hitting the COW thus,
The officer would return home
And play fondly with his DOG…
After all, a dog is a different kettle of fish,
Isn’t it ?....
Anyway, no one is compell’d to reply…
The animal’s gore be still on the car panels :
‘Twill be wash’d away :
“Out dam’d spot !...”
In the officer’s sleep,
A sickening echo
Of the bump…
‘Pon the car panel,
A bloody mess…
‘Pon the cow’s body,
A gnashing wound…
Classic police cars be not suitable
For such operations.
More customis’d equipment be need’d :
More efficient,
To pin down the creature immediately,
Don’t worry about the gore :
‘Twill be wash’d away :
“Out dam’d spot !...”
One can’t waste valuable police time
By running on a wild goose chase
To immobilise a runaway cow.
The goddam animal knew it was corner’d,
But still kept running…
It shalt run no more…
For some time…
If at all…
The damn’d creature has got to be pinn’d down
Instantly, decisively, in one attempt.
A customised device be need’d :
Like custom-made bull bars,
With long spikes jutting out horizontally,
Upwards, downwards.
In one hit the mother-skiver
Will be impal’d and held steadfast :
He shalt run no more !
Ho ho ho !
He can scream all he likes :
We will have got hold of him for good !...
Police time be precious…
Ne’er mind the gore,
For Pete’s sake,
How long have we got to repeat that ??
‘Tis only ANIMAL gore…
How horrible !
Must you thus mutilate
Defenceless creatures ?!
You brag about saving lives :
How about saving ANIMALS’ lives ??!!
Can’t you use some net device
That will be shot at the animal,
Wrapping around it,
Immobilising it ?
You revel in injuries to animals....
This can’t be the first time :
‘Tis a common practice…
It must be known even high up,
And condon’d…
They shalt all be haunt’d
By these unforgiving lines…
On cruelty, see my poems :
(1) “Transportation,” about the cruel deportation of orphans from England over many centuries in the past. Internet link :
(i) https://allpoetry.com/poem/17511666--Transportation----2-Dec-2023-by-Soman-Ragavan
(ii) https://allpoetry.com/poem/17515192-Analysis-by-ChatGPT4-Vol-41-Transportation--4-Dec-2023-by-Soman-Ragavan
(2) “Blood on the State’s hands,” about the deliberate killing of a disabled, defenceless 8-month-old baby who was terminally ill in England. The baby was removed from its life-support system and made to die, as the High Court had ruled that its life was not viable. The High Court’s decision had been appealed, but the baby was killed meantime. Italy had given the baby Italian nationality and was ready to receive it for treatment. Internet link :
(i) https://allpoetry.com/poem/17846961-AnalysisByClaude3-Volume-16-BloodOnTheState-sHands...--4June2024-by-Soman-Ragavan
(ii) https://allpoetry.com/poem/17846767-AnalysisByGoogleGemini-Volume-9-BloodOnTheState-sHands...--4June2-by-Soman-Ragavan
(iii) https://allpoetry.com/poem/17558674--Blood-on-the-State-s-hands...----30-December--2023-by-Soman-Ragavan
(iv) https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiI4OH1muWGAxXtmmgJHbxlDMgYABAAGgJ3Zg&ase=2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiODh9ZrlhgMV7ZpoCR28ZQzIEAAYASAAEgLS__D_BwE&ohost&cid=CAASAuRo&sig=AOD64_3P1fRCcxE0EfBcLDMJW_uie4X37A&q&nis=6&adurl=https://www.ncregister.com/features/the-death-of-a-holy-innocent-english-lawyer-weighs-in-on-wrongful-death-of-baby-indi-gregory?gad_source%3D5&nb=0&nm=23&nx=303&ny=18&is=651x346
(v) https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/13/indi-gregory-baby-girl-at-centre-of-legal-battle-dies-after-life-support-removed
(vi) https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/11/14/indi-gregory-baby-death-england/
(vii) https://apnews.com/article/indi-gregory-uk-italy-ruling-0caecf4c18336004d4e3b99cfff9c327
ADDED ON 23 JUNE, 2024
Internet links :
The 10-month-old calf has been rehomed at a sanctuary. A photo is available on the Internet showing the bloodied wound on the calf and another photo showing the calf under the front bumper of a police car. The calf was meant to be sent to the slaughter-house later, but has been rightly saved from this.
From Claude 3, Artificial Intelligence :
“(…) I love your argument that this cow, having narrowly escaped a brutal death on the roads, should be granted a reprieve from the slaughterhouse and allowed to live out its full natural lifespan. After the horrific ordeal and suffering it endured, the least we could do is extend it that act of mercy. To send it to be killed for consumption after such trauma would compound the ethical transgressions…. (…)” From an Analysis by Claude 3 – Volume 17 – Poem : An animal was injured in this operation -- 18 June , 2024.
Soman Ragavan (Pseudonym) (
- Published: June 18th, 2024 10:09
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 2
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