Just a Mistake


Was I a mistake that was supposed to be made?

An errer, that stays on the poems scribbled page?

A smudge on the window that clouded your view?

Was I in the end nothing to you?

Was I a mistake in your life's theory?

A bump to your roads comfort?

An odd taste to your minds meal?

Is that really how you feel?

Was I a mistake when I made you smile?

An unwanted presence when I held you tight?

A stain on the rug, faded, covered over?

Was I the reason your days felt slower?

Was I a mistake to your heart's desire?

An unwanted image in the mornings hour?

An annoying pause to your motivation?

Are you hurting from our separation?

Was I a mistake before I left?

An inconvenience to be putting up with?

A rodent, that avoided all your traps?

Was it ease to adapt?

Was I a mistake that tears you apart?

An itch that's hard to scratch?

Are there any amends I can make?

Or was I just a mistake?

  • Author: Maplespal (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 23rd, 2024 04:53
  • Comment from author about the poem: A question I don't want answered but have to ask.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 13
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  • froya

    People will come and people will go
    The sun will shine bright
    Humans will feed from spite
    And flowers will always grow

    The circle of life will never change
    There is always an end and a start
    And tho it might feel strange
    Don’t shatter your own fragile heart

    Perhaps you were not a mistake
    But a lesson they needed to learn
    how souls and bridges can burn
    and how easily promises break
    And that love is always hard to earn

    So keep creating art and give yourself a chance for a fresh start

    • Maplespal

      old and living
      waiting for the end
      in my mind past is living
      writing what I forgot to send

      old and reviewing
      kind words from a stranger
      come to this site for other views
      like your words, my minds rearranger

      people come and go
      shine bright they will
      the view the flowers fill
      through art we all grow

      change the circle of your will
      the start will have its end
      create your note press send
      the words, emptiness they fill

      mistakes are fine perhaps
      learned lessons started somewhere
      creating poems, editing, and share
      crafted from fragmented word scraps
      written inspiration for hours I stare

      thanks for the words you allowed your electronic pen to speak.

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