Searching for a father and mother
a runaway and orphan look for a home
never to find another
over all earth to roam
Trash heaps and street corners
become beds to rest heads
In their own neighborhood foreigners
living in cardboard sheds
Dumpster diving
old syringe needles
drugs conniving
cockroach mosquitos
Perverse invitation
fighting fleas
mendicant occupation
anything to please
Dreaming on broken glass
Cold shivers in winter rain
Taste of brass smell of gas
Youth flowing down a storm drain
Take me home
- Author: sorenbarrett ( Online)
- Published: June 27th, 2024 05:23
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 18
- Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15
A sensitive write SB.
Thank you Orchi we are all orphans and runaways it seems.
So very powerful, even when we do have a mother and father it simply doesn't mean all our dreams come true and we feel safe or.indeed have a home, a wonderful piece of inspiring reflection dear sorrenbarret 🌹 kudos my friend.
Thanks again Teddy for the review and most kind and generous words. So true that is in fact what I had in mind when I wrote this. We are all children, orphans, and runaways in some way and at some time and we all need to be taken home.
Yes, I know, I'm one of your orphans sir. 🌹
Oh no I would never cut you off friend.
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